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景区中英文介绍 翻译_景区中英文介绍 翻译怎么写

ysladmin 2024-07-26 人已围观

简介景区中英文介绍 翻译_景区中英文介绍 翻译怎么写       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“景区中英文介绍 翻译”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你

景区中英文介绍 翻译_景区中英文介绍 翻译怎么写

       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“景区中英文介绍 翻译”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让我们一起来了解一下吧。

1.介绍国外著名旅游景点英语 介绍国外著名旅游景点英语翻译

2.成都旅游景点中英文介绍 一篇关于成都旅游的英文介绍

3.旅游景点介绍翻译分析 旅游景点介绍翻译技巧

4.介绍英国旅游景点英语作文 关于英国旅游的英语作文

5.日本旅游景点英文介绍 日本旅游英语介绍


景区中英文介绍 翻译_景区中英文介绍 翻译怎么写

介绍国外著名旅游景点英语 介绍国外著名旅游景点英语翻译


       世界上有着许许多多的著名旅游景点,这些景点用英语该如何说呢,下面是我整理的一些世界著名旅游景点名称, 希望对大家有帮助。

       世界著名旅游景点名称:Asia 亚洲

       Great Wall, China


        Forbidden City, Beijing, China


        The Himalayas


        Mount Fuji, Japan


        Taj Mahal, India


        Angkor Wat, Cambodia


        Bali, Indonesia


        Borobudur, Indonesia


        Sentosa, Singapore


        Crocodile Farm, Thailand


        Pattaya Beach, Thailand


        Babylon, Iraq


        Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Africa 非洲

       Suez Canal, Egypt


        Aswan High Dam, Egypt


        Nairobi National Park, Kenya


        Cape of Good Hope, South Africa


        Sahara Desert


        Pyramids, Egypt


        The Nile, Egypt




        Great Barrier Reef


        Sydney Opera House, Australia


        Ayers Rock


        Mount Cook


        Easter Island


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Europe 欧洲

       Notre Dame de Paris, France


        Effiel Tower, France


        Arch of Triumph, France


        Elysee Palace, France


        Louvre, France


        Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany


        Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


        Colosseum in Rome, Italy


        Venice, Italy


        Parthenon, Greece


        Red Square in Moscow, Russia


        Big Ben in London, England


        Buckingham Palace, England


        Hyde Park, England


        London Tower Bridge, England


        Westminster Abbey, England


        Monte Carlo, Monaco


        The Mediterranean


        世界著名旅游景点名称:The Americas 美洲

       Niagara Falls, New York State, USA




        Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


        Panama Canal


        Yellowstone National Park, USA


        Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA


        Times Square, New York City, USA


        The White House, Washington DC., USA


        World Trade Center, New York City, USA


        Central Park, New York City, USA


        Yosemite National Park, USA


        Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


        Hollywood, California, USA


        Disneyland, California, USA


        Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


        Miami, Florida, USA


        Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA


        Acapulco, Mexico


        Cuzco, Mexico



        1. 国内旅游景点英语导游词

       2. 旅游英语专业介绍

       3. 旅游景点英文介绍

       4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍

       5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法

       6. 景点用英语怎么说


       马上就要到暑了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。


       China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand earance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".


       Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to oid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.


       The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.


       Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

        Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

        Thir species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, hiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

        Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose lees rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

        Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."

       国外旅游景点 英文名称

















       美国各大旅游景点 中英文 要著名的

       1、夏威夷(Hawaii State)



       2、纽约(New York City)

       纽约市(New York City,简称NYC),位于美国纽约州东南部大西洋沿岸,是美国第一大城市及第一大港口,纽约都市圈为世界上最大的城市圈之一,与英国伦敦、中国香港并称为“纽伦港”(Nylonkong)。纽约与伦敦并列为全世界最顶级的国际大都市。2018年11月,纽约被GaWC评为Alpha++级世界一线城市。

       3、(Las Vegas)

       (Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,克拉克县的县治,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。



       4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)



       5、尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)

       尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)位于加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州的交界处,瀑布源头为尼亚加拉河,主瀑布位于加拿大境内,是瀑布的最佳观赏地;在美国境内瀑布由月亮岛隔开,观赏的是瀑布侧面。



       1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山


       2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

       泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。

       3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

       吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。

       4,Bali, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮前屠宓


成都旅游景点中英文介绍 一篇关于成都旅游的英文介绍



       the China Folk Culture Villages Shenzhen


       Splendid China


       the Shenzhen Safari Park


       Window to the World


       Hy Valley


       Honey Lake


       Shekou Sea World


       MINSK World


       Hi Tech Fair Exhibition Center


       Shenzhen Convention Exhibition Center(缩写SZCEC)

       深圳欢乐谷 英文介绍和中文翻译

       Shenzhen hy valley is a large theme park, oct group, a new generation of the first national AAAAA level scenic spots, covers an area of 350000 square meters, total investment 1.7 billion yuan, is a participatory and spectator, entertaining, interest in the integration of modern Chinese theme park. Since it opened in 1998, shenzhen hy valley after a period, two period, three period of rolling development, has become the largest domestic investment, the most advanced facilities in the modern theme park. Dominated. Nine big topic area: Spanish square castle, magic, adventure, gold mountain town, shangri-la forest, hurricane bay, sunshine coast, hy time, and Asia's first won the international association of water park "industry innovation award" of the Maya water park, more than 100 for young and old, rich and colorful amusement project. From the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries introduced numerous unique to the country and Asia project: such as the world's highest divide "surging ahead," China the first hanging roller coaster roadway type "snow dragon", China's first "mine", China's first "perfect storm", China's first "imitation of classic garden little train ring", the highest in Asia, China's first "breathtaking tower" - the space shuttle, Asia's first set of visual, auditory, tactile, which integrates the four-dimensional cinemas, the world's longest track water warships, jungle war and the international first-class level, the domestic first elevated sightseeing trains - trunk line. Adhering to the "build up hy valley, hy valley to play not over of" business philosophy, to create "often see often new, often play often" customer value, and in 2008, shenzhen hy valley again upgrade innovation, invest 200 million yuan to build new project "magic castle". Magic castle is Asia's first fantasy theme amusement space, only fantasy tianlun park, covers an area of about 40000 square meters, composed of neverland, magic, magic forest castle three themed areas, a total of more than 20 fun rides. And thrilling joy journey, each one is also really fun world. Hy valley in shenzhen - China's most attractive city entertainment center, a "dynamic, fashion, fun, dream" of the busy city hily will never forget you! Shenzhen hy valley is a large theme park, oct group, a new generation of the first national AAAAA level scenic spots, covers an area of 350000 square meters, total investment 1.7 billion yuan, is a participatory and spectator, entertaining, interest in the integration of modern Chinese theme park. Since it opened in 1998, shenzhen hy valley after a period, two period, three period of rolling development, has become the largest domestic investment, the most advanced facilities in the modern theme park. Dominated. Nine big topic area: Spanish square castle, magic, adventure, gold mountain town, shangri-la forest, hurricane bay, sunshine coast, hy time, and Asia's first won the international association of water park "industry innovation award" of the Maya water park, more than 100 for young and old, rich and colorful amusement project. From the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries introduced numerous unique to the country and Asia project: such as the world's highest divide "surging ahead," China the first hanging roller coaster roadway type "snow dragon", China's first "mine", China's first "perfect storm", China's first "imitation of classic garden little train ring", the highest in Asia, China's first "breathtaking tower" - the space shuttle, Asia's first set of visual, auditory, tactile, which integrates the four-dimensional cinemas, the world's longest track water warships, jungle war and the international first-class level, the domestic first elevated sightseeing trains - trunk line. Adhering to the "build up hy valley, hy valley to play not over of" business philosophy, to create "often see often new, often play often" customer value, and in 2008, shenzhen hy valley again upgrade innovation, invest 200 million yuan to build new project "magic castle". Magic castle is Asia's first fantasy theme amusement space, only fantasy tianlun park, covers an area of about 40000 square meters, composed of neverland, magic, magic forest castle three themed areas, a total of more than 20 fun rides. And thrilling joy journey, each one is also really fun world. Hy valley in shenzhen - China's most attractive city entertainment center, a "dynamic, fashion, fun, dream" of the busy city hily will never forget you!

       深圳欢乐谷是华侨城集团新一代大型主题乐园,首批国家AAAAA级旅游景区,占地面积35万平方米,总投资17亿元人民币,是一座融参与性、观赏性、**性、趣味性于一体的中国现代主题乐园。1998年开业以来,深圳欢乐谷经过一期、二期、三期的滚动发展,已成为国内投资规模最大、设施最先进的现代主题乐园。全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。一次次惊心动魄的欢乐历程,一个个亦真亦幻的欢乐世界。深圳欢乐谷--中国最具魅力的都市**中心,一个“动感、时尚、欢乐、梦幻”的繁华都市开心地将让你永志难忘! 深圳欢乐谷是华侨城集团新一代大型主题乐园,首批国家AAAAA级旅游景区,占地面积35万平方米,总投资17亿元人民币,是一座融参与性、观赏性、**性、趣味性于一体的中国现代主题乐园。1998年开业以来,深圳欢乐谷经过一期、二期、三期的滚动发展,已成为国内投资规模最大、设施最先进的现代主题乐园。全园共有九大主题区:西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光和亚洲首座荣获国际水公园协会“行业创新奖”的玛雅水公园,100多个老少皆宜、丰富多彩的游乐项目。从美国、荷兰、德国等国家引入众多全国乃至亚洲独有的项目:如世界最高落差的“激流勇进”、中国第一座悬挂式过山车“雪山飞龙”、中国第一座巷道式“矿山车”、中国第一座 “完美风暴”、中国第一辆“仿古典式环园小火车”、亚洲最高、中国第一座“惊险之塔”--太空梭、亚洲首座集视觉、听觉、触觉于一体的四维、世界轨道最长的水战船--丛林水战以及国际一流水平、国内第一条高架观光游览列车--欢乐干线。秉承“建不完的欢乐谷,玩不完的欢乐谷”经营理念,创造“常看常新、常玩常新”的顾客价值,2008年,深圳欢乐谷再次创新升级,投资2亿人民币打造全新项目“魔幻城堡”。魔幻城堡是亚洲首创魔幻主题游乐空间,国内唯一奇幻天伦乐园,占地面积约4万平方米,由梦幻岛、魔法森林、魔幻城堡三大主题区构成,共有 20多个妙趣横生的游乐项目。一次次惊心动魄的欢乐历程,一个个亦真亦幻的欢乐世界。深圳欢乐谷--中国最具魅力的都市**中心,一个“动感、时尚、欢乐、梦幻”的繁华都市开心地将让你永志难忘!



       Dapeng Law Firm is located in Dapeng Town, Longgang District, east of Shenzhen City.


       Founded in 1394 in the 27th year of hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, it covers an area of 110,000 square meters and is the only state-level key cultural relic protection unit in Shenzhen.



       Lotus has an ancient holy name, known for its beauty and purity. Lianhua Mountain is located at the northern end of Shenzhen city center.


       There is a statue of Deng Xiaoping in the square at the top of the hill.



       Qiaocheng Fairview is located in the oct Scenic area in the west of Downtown Shenzhen, including theme parks such as "Fairview China", "Window of the World" and "Hy Valley".



       The main peak of Wutong Mountain is 944 meters high, which is the first peak in the Pearl River Delta.


       Xianhu botanical Garden, East Lake Park, forest park, sports park, etc., is one of the best spots for mountaineering and sightseeing.


       Standing in the vicinity of Hero Slope, overlooking Hong Kong, Mirs Bay, Yantian Port and Sha Tau Kok in the morning light, the sky is broad and refreshing.


       At the foot of the mountain, Hongfa Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Shenzhen.



       Dameisha beach is located by The Side of Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen city. The width of The mouth of Dameisha Bay is about 2000 meters and that of Xiaomeisha Bay is about 800 meters.


       Sea sand yellow and white delicate, smooth soft, like a crescent Mosaic in the green mountains and blue sea, known as the "Oriental Hawaii."






        英文:Window of the world.世界之窗是位于中国广东省深圳市南山区华侨城的大型文化旅游景区,景区按世界地域结构和游览活动内容分为世界广场、亚洲区、大洋洲区、欧洲区、非洲区、美洲区、现代科技**区、世界雕塑园、国际街九大景区。






旅游景点介绍翻译分析 旅游景点介绍翻译技巧


       My hometown -- - chengdu, now famous and well-known open economies. Her neat graceful, developed economy, abundant, make a person yearning. Her long history, culture, mahoganypanelled splendour, keep the culture is one sacred mecca. Hometown mount qingcheng, is reluctant to lee. It is a picturesque, smoke fluctuates, is not only the best place for full qingcheng mountain scenery, and it is a rich Chinese traditional culture connotation mountains. Standing in the peak, panoramic view of infinite scene. Home not only full of lakes and mountains, and be permeated with the natural beauty of the modern breath. Chengdu ground, high-tech development zone industrial city, commercial city ZhuangZhuang with villa. The east street, with both sides ZhiBi buildings arranged, the great and providence high fields momentum. Building wind to you, flage ostentatious display of the contemporary chengdu vigor. Walking in the street, like flies, pedestrian traffic flow, a wide range of commodities make you dazzling, the eyes are not only flaw answered. Listen! School work every day, somehow ShuSheng country produced much talent!


       ·川剧 Sichuan Opera

       ·成都大熊猫生态公园 Chengdu Giant Panda Ecological Park

       ·成都和陵 Chengdu and Mausoleum

       ·成都昭觉寺 Chengdu Zhao Juesi

       ·成都永陵博物馆 Chengdu Yongling Museum

       ·成都凤凰山 Chengdu Phoenix Mountains

       ·成都文殊院 Chengdu Wenshu Yuan

       ·成都百花潭公园 Chengdu Baihua Tan Park

       ·成都文化公园Chengdu Cultural Park

       ·成都白水河国家级自然保护区 Chengdu Baishui He National Nature Reserve

       ·成都烟霞湖 Chengdu haze Lake

       ·成都朝阳湖Chengdu Chaoyang Lake

       ·成都野生世界Chengdu wild world

       ·成都青羊宫Chengdu Qingyang Gong

       ·成都山 Chengdu Genting Hill

       ·成都杜甫草堂 Chengdu, Du Fu Thatched Cottage

       ·成都鸡冠山Chengdu Ji Guanshan

       ·成都九龙沟 Chengdu Jiulong Gou

       ·川西宝镜—白塔湖 Western Sichuan Baojing - Baita Lake

       ·成都天台山 Chengdu Tiantai Mountain

       ·白鹤山 Pak Hok Shan

       ·青城山 Qingcheng Mountain

       ·都江堰 Dujiangyan

       ·成都锦里古街Chengdu Jin, Heritage Streets

       ·成都武侯祠博物馆 Chengdu Wuhou Temple Museum

       ·遗址 Jinsha

       ·龙池国家森林公园 Longchi National Forest Park

       ·望江楼Wangjiang Floor



       1、龙潭溶洞(Longtan ce):


       2、九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area):


       3、剑门关(Jianmen Pass Beauty Spot):


       4、乐山大佛(Leshan Giant Buddha):


       5、峨眉山(Mount Emei):



       Chengdu Wu Houci began in AD 223 when building LiuBeiHui tombs, the premier of "han". Later sacrifices zhuge liang Wu Houci merges into the premier of the han. Is China's only a manner or si temple ruins and the most famous three kingdoms museum. Chengdu Wu Houci domestic numerous Wu Houci is only the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, commemorate zhuge liang is the most famous places of interest. Commemorate zhuge liang Wu Houci except chengdu Wu Houci and shaanxi MianXian Wu Houci, nanyang Wu Houci, xiangfan ancient longzhong Wu Houci, fengjie chongqing Wu Houci, yunnan baoshan Wu Houci and gansu li county QiShan Wu Houci, etc

       In China five thousand years of civilization, in The Three Kingdoms period is very short but very wonderful period, from the yellow turban insurrectionary peasant uprising of the eastern han dynasty to the three belong to jin (184-280 AD), before and after nearly one hundred years.

       Is named in The Three Kingdoms period, when the shenzhou exist three local authority on the earth, and the three regimes were cao cao and his sons cao wei founded _, occupy large tracts of land in the Yellow River, a capital of luoyang, sun quan wu, occupy the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, its capital in nanjing, liu bei of shu, occupying the sichuan, yunnan, guizhou and other places, its capital chengdu.

       "Whole FenJiuBiGe, close long will points", in ancient China had eared several times in the history of the great schism, upheal, then return to unity, The Three Kingdoms period, but also a.

       In The Three Kingdoms tripartite confrontation, warlords regime of s, sichuan used to be the independent regime in the shu han regime. Although is located in the southwest of sichuan, and weak, but liu bei, zhuge liang, a large number of guan yu, zhang fei ZhongLiang, to han unify the whole country, they fight dongwu, helped the south yi, on the northern expedition, heroic efforts, so as to deduce the site of some of the tragic history, left a lot of epic story. Let's descendants would like. So, people began to trim temple built the temple, or retained the ancient battlefield. Thus constitutes the numerous scenic spots and historical sites in The Three Kingdoms history. Today we are going to visit Wu Houci, is numerous prestigious a historic site in the three places of historic interest.

       Wu Houci commemorates three kingdoms of shu zhuge liang of the ancestral temple, zhuge liang was blocked for Wu Xiang hou, after the death of banned for cheating, your respectful name he is later generations.

       Wu Houci is located in the south of chengdu Wu Houci street, temple sits. Wu Houci founded in when, he no information can be got, but from du fu's poem "shu" in the description "where prime minister ancestral temple, jin officer BaiSenSen outside" to infer, as early as the tang dynasty had built Wu Houci. In tang and song period here he Wu Houci respectively and liu bei temple, the early years of the Ming dynasty, temple into a single, at the end of Ming dynasty, temple was destroyed by the war. Today see Wu Houci is at the time of the eleventh year of emperor kangxi in the qing dynasty, built on the site. Covering an area of 37000 square meters. Is a national key cultural relics protection units.

       The gate:

       Hung at the gate of the premier of "han" HengBian, han is liu bei's regime, history known as the shu han, because liu bei is han, and later its capital in chengdu shudu. So the name shu han regime. Zhao is liu bei died writings.finally, number is after death the posterity of the deeds of his life after the evaluation to give raisement, zhao is, of course, liu bei's call. Plaques, here is the temple of chronicle of liu bei, if so, then why do people call them Wu Houci again? Look from content in Wu Houci temple of liu bei, liu bei's gre than ZhuGeLiangDian in proportion of big, seems like it should call this liu2 bei4 temple, from layout point of view, Chinese traditional is main in the chronicle of temple. While the Wu Houci LiuBeiDian are before zhuge temple in the high. So from this perspective, there seems to be and should be called Wu Houci, but these are not the most fundamental reason, the most fundamental reason is what? Early years of the republic of China has a poet wrote a poem called turmoil out one of the reasons: the premier of big book MenE, all Wu Houci, origin place lose meritorious service and great achievement, the prime minister work high one hundred generations. That is to say, because zhuge liang's historical achievement, his prestige even more than in the people heart the liu bei, so people will disregard the feudal era monarch and minister of etiquette and the temple was the name of, and called the premier of han wu hou shrine.

       The floor plan:

       On the left side of the gate he a Wu Houci floor plan, you can see the house sit north to south, the main building is he on a central axis, there are gate, second, LiuBeiDian, lobby, ZhuGeLiangDian five hey construction, on the west side is liu bei's gre. Clay sculpture on display all kinds of characters like in gym, and inscriptions, inscriptions, Zhong Gu, exactly is a shu han history museum here. Today we're visiting route is the west side of the five hey construction and tomb of liu bei, visit time before and after an hour or so.

       Tang tablet:

       We can see now is the famous monuments, quiet. The tablet connects tall 367 cm, 95 cm wide, carved built in Tang Xianzong and four years (AD 809), monuments, formerly known as "shu prime minister zhuge Wu Houci hall tablet", the famous prime minister of the tang dynasty, wrote the Fijian degrees, calligrapher liu male la (chuo), list LuJian engre (Juan), because the article, calligraphy, are from famous engred, and was hailed as the world quiet "tablet".

       That a friend may ask, what is this monument special background? We will let the time go back to 1200 years ago. When Wu Yuanheng as bo give our time, equivalent to today's military commander, he is a very the person of one's self, before into shu hong chuan, we know that sichuan is more difficult than governing. As known as a word - "the world is not disorderly shu, first world hong shu, which he not been treated". Plus six hundred years ago and that zhuge liang in the administration, Wu Yuanheng wants to impress the ZhengSheng, natural need to hard work, he shu in AD 807, in a very low-key attitude adopted many effective measures. ZhengSheng after two years, in the elegant and the opposition, let he can feel himself ZhuGeWuHou. Then, until in 809 AD, led the military commander came to Wu Houci 28 people, determined to monuments dedicated for their achievements over the past two years. In this batch of his entourage, there is a very important, who is that? He is the clerk - Wu Yuanheng PeiDu, equivalent to the secretary-general of the provincial now. PeiDu know Wu Yuanheng idea, combine

介绍英国旅游景点英语作文 关于英国旅游的英语作文


       Contrast Analysis of Introduction to Scenic Spots in English




       Emei mountain 娥眉山

        Emei mountain is situated in Sichuan province in southwestern China,156 kilometers from Chengdu,spending 1.5 hours through thruway .Since Jin dynasty, it is a place where Buddhism rites are performed,and it’s one of four most famous Buddhism mountains,with more than one thousand years of culture.With many mountains in rapid sequence ,age-old trees,natural falls and spring,Emei mountain he wonderful and amusing scenery.Emei mountain has been embodied as World Heritage of nature and culture by UNESCO in 1996.



       Wenzhou "paradise" -- -- - nanxi river

       Nanxi river is located in yongjia county, north of wenzhou, zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA scenic spot, known as "the first water of heen". By beauty, jiang jian qu, waterfall, tam brigitte, the peak, YanXiu, strange stone, ces, Jane, the village is famous for its ancient trees, there are "thousand rock of TV, mountains and valleys flow", is with harmonizing natural landscape, cultural landscape in the integration of landscape pastoral area. It is known as "the cradle of Chinese landscape painting". The total length of the nanxi river is 145km, and it is a tree-like water system with abundant water and winding river flows. There are so-called "36 bay" and "72 beach". The river is smooth without delay, with a degree of urgency.

       On the dock, the workers are waiting for the visitors.

       The bamboo raft is made of large, brown, large, brown bamboo, which is made of large, brown and brown bamboo. It is made of a set of 15. 2 rows of bamboo chairs for tourists to take.

       The bow was up high, and the bamboo raft was drifting along the nanxi river and down the river

       The water was clear and clean, and it was green and close to the shore. You could see the pebbles in the shallows. The riverfront duck plays with water, and can still hear the cheerful "sip" of the duck.

       As the only scenic spot in China's national scenic area with idyllic scenery, the unique landscape of its rich and stirring level makes visitors wonder.

       The green river is long and long, the wind is gentle, the water is like a mirror; The two sides of the cross - strait forest are stained, green and bright; Layers of smoke trees, hidden ancient villages, distant mountains such as dai, such as fairyland. The whole mountain water scene is very light and ropriate, the function is proper, is very infatuated.

       Two small lantau island in front of the wharf of zhanchuan village in yantou town. From afar, the strange rock in the river is like a lion's play ball, hence the name of the lion rock. The lion rock, such as a lion, is full of jagged rocks, with its head held high and its head held high. The other lantau, known as "lion island", is covered with trees and trees, and the grass is luxuriant, and the wind is blowing, the crown swaying, like a lion's ball rolling.

       You will be amazed when you visit the nanxi river. The distant mountains like the clouds, green mountains and water is heen.

       The nanxi river is a beautiful scroll that is slowly rolled out, which is a classic of the jiangnan landscape and a peach blossom source in the treler's heart.













       1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bang, Thailand)

       Bang Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bang dynasty king I to king viii.


       The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bang.


       Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bang.


       2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)

       Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bang grand palace.


       It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.


       The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.


       3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)

       Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.



       Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.



       phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.


       It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.






       Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.



       Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

       China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

       attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

       theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


       Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

       main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

       in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

       one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

       two-story road.


       It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

       leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

       vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

       times to win the war.


       Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

       construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

       relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

       emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


       花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

       Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.


日本旅游景点英文介绍 日本旅游英语介绍


       英国著名的湖区Lake District(一篇抒情的介绍文厄)

       let your imagination wander and take you to a place you daydream of. A place where dramatic mountain ranges sweep majestically down to clear blue lakes. A place where peaceful country lanes meander tthrough meadows brimming with wildflowers. A place where crystal clear rivers gently twist their way through undisturbed countryside. A place where sandy shores and sparkling seas stretch out to the horizon. A place that feels a million miles away from home.

       A place where the landscape is painted from a seasonal pallet of lush greens, vibrant blues, soothing yellows and burnt coppers and reds. A place to soothe your senses with the gentle babbling of a brook, the heady scent of honeysuckle in the clean, fresh air, the sensation of sand between your toes and the mouth-watering flours of the local fare...

       ...that place is Cumbria - the Lake District

       A place to relax. A place to visit.


       英国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家。欧洲四大经济体之一,其国民拥有较高的生活水平和良好的社会保障制度。我整理了英国旅游 英语 作文 ,欢迎阅读!

        英国 旅游英语 作文篇一

       The Englishman love to behe gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behe ladily.They also show their respect to ladies.They always say" Lady first".In their daily life.the English pay attention to their earance.They dress neatly.They shake hands when they meet other.When they are with others,they usually say "please""thank you""sorry" and so on.The breakfast in Britain is very rich.Usually there are all kinds of egg products,oatmeal,bacon,ham,sausages,butter,jam,bread,milk,juice,coffee and so on.They are popular with the western countries.What's more,the English like drinking tea.They he the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon.They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.


       英国著名的景点——大英博物馆(British Museum)

        这个大英博物馆凡是去过的人都会由衷的赞叹,惊讶于这里 收藏 非常的丰富。Had been to the British Museum the number of people may feel, Great Britain has a rich grand collection.整个大英博物馆气势恢宏,金碧辉煌。The whole British Museum magnificent, beautiful decoration.博物馆开放之后,经过了英国人的不断的探险和扩张,得到了很多世界的奇珍异宝。The museum is open, through the exploration and expansion of British people,get a lot of the world's priceless treasures.我们现在看到的很多博物馆中的文物,很多都是别的国家的。Many museums we now see in cultural relics, many of them are from other countries.在这里,能感受到曾经的日不落帝国的辉煌,以及厚重的历史底蕴。Here, can feel the Empire's glory, and hey historical background.所以说,大英博物馆是很值得我们去观赏的。Therefore, the British Museum is worth watching.

        英国著名景点——威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)

        这个教堂的位置是伦敦泰晤士河的北岸,The location of the church is on the north shore of the Thames River in London是一个典型的哥特式的建筑,Is a typical Gothic architecture有很多的欧洲名人都是埋葬到这里的。Many European celebrities are buried here.所以,教堂就更加的出名了,很多游客前来参观。Therefore, the church is more famous, many tourists come to visit.教堂的历史悠久,围绕着这个教堂有很多的 故事 发生,据说,当时建筑师的设计引发了巨大的争论。因为里边蕴含了太浓烈的文艺复兴时期的元素了。The church has a long history, around this church has a lot of story, said, at that time the architect's design sparked enormous controversy. Because itcontains too strong Renaissance elements.

        英国著名景点——爱丁堡城堡(Edinburgh Castle)

        爱丁堡城堡是整个城市的象征,也是整个苏格兰精神的象征,曾经作为重要的军事要塞,如今,虽然已经有些许残败,但仍不难看出昔日的辉煌和坚固。Edinburgh Castle is the symbol of the city, which is the symbol of the spirit of Scotland, had served as an important military stronghold, and now, although some are ruins, but still it is not difficult to see that in former days brilliant and solid.我们可以攀爬到城堡的最顶上,一览周围的风景,美好的景色映入眼帘,少了当时的暴力,多了一些夕阳西下的惆怅。We can climb to the top of the castle, the surrounding scenery, beautiful scenery greets, less time of violence, some of the more Sundownersmelancholy.一直以来,这里是爱丁堡的王室成员居住的地方,也曾经一度是行政中心。All the time, here is the royal family living in Edinburgh, also once was the administrative center.


       England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom,[1] whilst the mainland territory of England occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain and shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.

        England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in the British Isles, capital of the United Kingdom and one of the world's Global Cities.

        England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;[2][3] it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic centre of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

        The Kingdom of England was an independent state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union resulted in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.

        England's National Day is St George's Day (Saint George being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 April.

        英格兰是一个国家,欧洲和西北地区规模最大,人口最多的国家组成的联合国大不列颠及北爱尔兰。其居民超过了83 % ,占总人口的联合王国 ,而大陆领土的占领英格兰大部分地区三分之二的岛屿大不列颠及陆地边界的股票与苏格兰北部和威尔士西部。另外,它是濒临北海,爱尔兰海,大西洋和英吉利海峡。


        英格兰队伍作为一个最有影响力的和深远的 文化 中心世界发展;它是原产地的英语语言和英格兰教会,是历史性的中心,英国帝国的发祥地和工业革命。


        英国的国庆日是圣乔治日(圣乔治正在守护神) ,这是庆祝每年的4月23日。








       Edinburgh (Edinburgh) is a famous British cultural city and capital of Scotland, located on the southern shore of the FOS Bay in the lowlands of central Scotland. The area is 260km. It was built in 1329 and the capital of the kingdom of Scotland in 1437-1707 years. Papermaking and printing industry he a long history. Shipbuilding, chemical industry, nuclear power, electronics, cables, glass and food industries are also important. With the development of Beihai oilfield, a series of related industries and services he been established. Important transport hub, airport.

       Edinburgh has been regarded as the capital of Scotland since fifth Century, but in 1603 and 1707, political forces moved south to London several times. In 1999, the autonomy of the Scotland Parliament was established. Scotland, National Museum, Scotland National Library and Scotland National Gallery are also important cultural institutions in Edinburgh. Economically, Edinburgh now relies heily on finance, the largest financial centre outside London.

       Edinburgh has a long history and many historical buildings are well preserved. Edinburgh Castle, Hollywood palace, St. Giles's Cathedral and other places of interest are located here. Edinburgh's old city and new town are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. In 2004, Edinburgh became the first city of literature in the world. Education in Edinburgh is also well developed. University of Edinburgh, one of the oldest universities in the UK, is now located in the world's leading schools. The world authoritative World University ranked QS2015 in, ranking 17 in the world, ranking first in Scotland. With the Edinburgh International Arts Festival and other cultural activities, Edinburgh has become the second largest tourist city after London.


       伦敦塔(Tower of London),是英国伦敦一座标志性的宫殿、要塞,选址在泰晤士河。





       Tower of London (Tower of London) is a landmark palace and fortress in London, England, and is located in Thames River.

       James Thi (1566-1625) regarded it as the last ruler of the palace.

       Tower of London was a fortress, an armory, a treasury, a mint, a palace, a Observatory, a refuge and a prison, especially a prisoner of the upper class. The last time he was used as a prison was during the Second World War.

       In 1988, it was listed as the world cultural heritage.


       剑桥位于伦敦北面50里以外的剑桥郡。剑桥郡本身是一个拥有大约10万居民的英格兰小镇。这个小镇有一条河流穿过,称为“剑河”(River Cam 又译“康河”)。剑河是一条南北走向、曲折前行的小河,剑河上架设着许多桥梁,其中以数学桥、格蕾桥和叹息桥最为著名,剑桥之名由此而来。剑桥大学本身没有一个指定的校园,没有围墙,也没有校牌。绝大多数的学院、研究所、图书馆和实验室都建在剑桥镇的剑河两岸,以及镇内的不同地点。剑桥的公路和铁路都十分健全,到伦敦主要机场也很近。


       Cambridge is located in the county of Cambridge, 50 miles north of London. Cambridge County itself is a small town of England with about 100 thousand inhabitants. There is a river across the town called River, which is called "Jianhe River(translated by River Cam). Jianhe is a north-south direction, twists and turns of the river, Jianhe set up a number of bridges, which are the most famous mathematical bridge, green bridge and sigh bridge, the name of Cambridge come from this. University of Cambridge itself does not he a designated campus, no walls, no school cards. The vast majority of colleges, research institutes, libraries and laboratories are built on both sides of the town of Jianhe and in different locations in the town. The roads and railways in Cambrid



       Osaka Castle Park

       Japan's three major cities of Osaka Castle, the first park, cherry blossoms around the city of Gilbert, about 4000 of the cherry. Osaka City has more than 400 years of history, high eight, the maximum level set is expected to Taiwan, you can view panoramic view of Osaka. Osaka City is unparalleled by numerous large stones from the composition. People with a hey sense of dignity.Park green everywhere, very lush cherry trees is a good place for leisure walks.

       He been around in Japan, Yokohama's Chinatown Chinese New Year is really great fun. Where you can experience the traditional Chinese beside can enjoy traditional Chinese dishes ... ...

       日本又哪些景点 (中英文互译的)

























       1. 富士山 Mount Fuji

       Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people.

       Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.

       The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leing Tokyo.

       Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you he to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours.

       If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort.

       Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes...


       3.大阪 Osaka




       深谙美食真谛的北海道人并没有因为高贵的海鲜而冷落了平民化的拉面。在北海道,各地拉面的风味不尽相同,其中,札幌的味噌(酱汤)口味拉面、旭川的酱油口味拉面和函馆的盐味拉面是北海道拉面的代表。尽管口味不同,但是面滑、汤鲜和配料量足却是北海道拉面的共通之处。如果你是一个拉面爱好者,那么“拉面王国”札幌是你不能错过的地方,在这里,你能够将北海道所有风味的拉面“一网打尽”。Deep knowledge of food essence of Hokkaido he not left out the populace because of noble seafood ramen. Hokkaido ramen flors vary, Soro miso (miso soup) flor ramen ramen and Hakodate, Asahikawa sauce taste of salt ramen are representative of Hokkaido ramen. Even though tastes different, surface slip, soup of fresh ingredients and foot is Hokkaido Ramen in common. If you're a ramen enthusiast, "Kingdom of the hand-pulled noodles" Soro: you can't miss the place, here, you can also do all of Northern sea lanes flored Ramen "clean sweep".

       札幌的拉面以汤浓、面大碗著称。这点其实不难理解,天寒地冻的北国,大碗满埂又香又浓的汤面,才能让人有饱足感。日本拉面3种基本口味的其中一种——味噌拉面,也是起源于札幌的。基本上来说,正统的札幌味噌拉面,味噌是要用新泻出产的;而拉面中最重要的汤头,尽管用的是绞肉,口感上绝对不能比整片肉片来的差。Soro Ramen is famous for its soup thick, wide Bowl. It is not difficult to understand, very cold north, Ridge was sweet and thick noodles in bowl full, to make full sense. Japan one of the hand-pulled noodles of the 3 basic tastes-the miso ramen, also originated in Soro. Basically, Orthodox Soro miso ramen, miso is to use Niigata produces, and hand-pulled noodles of the most important in tangtou, although with Grounded Meat and taste absolutely not worse than whole pork.

       北海道因为夏季温度低,适合乳牛生长,因此其乳制品受到日本人的欢迎。无论是冰激凌还是鲜奶,用蜡笔小新的话说:“好浓的北海道味道!”北海道是世界上白巧克力的发源地,所以包装精美的“白色恋人”白巧克力、软巧克力在北海道的纪念品店中处处可见。Because low summer temperatures, Hokkaido, for dairy cows, dairy was welcomed by the Japanese. Whether it is ice cream or milk, with Crayon Shin Chan: "good strong taste of Hokkaido! "Hokkaido is the home of white chocolate in the world, so the package" white lovers "white chocolate, soft chocolate in Hokkaido in souvenir shops everywhere.

       请用英文翻译日本的旅游景点: 二条城、皇居外苑(二重桥)心斋桥 歌舞伎町(一番街),要正宗的!

       二条城 Nijo Castle

       皇居外苑 Kokyogaien

       二重桥 Nijubashi Bridge

       心_桥 Shinsaibashi

       歌舞伎町(一番街) Kabukicho(First Avenue)

       日本景区英语 最好旅游景点

       富士山 fujisan

       _井_ karuizawa



       八景岛 hakkeijima

       金阁寺 kinkakuji

       银阁寺 ginkakuji

       清水寺 kiyomizutera



       北海道 hokkaidou


水上旅游景点英文介绍 水上旅游景点英文介绍带翻译


       Suzhou is an ancient, civilized and beautiful city and the Suzhou.


       《Lion Grove Garden 》is located on 23 Yuanlin Road, in the northeast of Suzhou-a city with profound cultural background and convenient developmental advantages. Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City!

       留园 《Lingering Garden 》Covering an area of 23,310 square meters, the Lingering Garden is the best garden in Suzhou as well as being one of the four most famous gardens in China. (The others are: the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Mountain Resort of Chengde, and the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou). It is renowned for the artistic way in which the spaces between various kinds of architectural forms are dealt with.

       拙政园《Humble Administrator's Garden》 China's gardens generally can be divided into two kinds: the royal garden, represent by Summer Palace in Beijing and Mountain Resort of Chengde, and the private garden, represent by private gardens in Suzhou.

       沧浪亭〈Canglang Pilion 〉Canglang Pilion, located south of Suzhou city, is the oldest garden among the existing classical gardens of Suzhou. It is also one of the four most famous gardens in the city - the others being: "Lion Grove", "Humble Administrator's Garden" and "Garden for Lingering In." The area used to be the private garden of a Prince of the Five Dynasties (907-960). During the Northern Song Dynasty, the scholar Su Zimei built a pilion in this garden and named it Canglang Pilion. The garden has been rebuilt many times but most of the present garden buildings, simple and plain, date from the Qing Dynasty.


       1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bang, Thailand)

       Bang Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bang dynasty king I to king viii.


       The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bang.


       Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bang.


       2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)

       Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bang grand palace.


       It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.


       The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.


       3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)

       Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.



       Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.



       phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.


       It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.






       Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


       Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


       Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


       Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




       adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

       n. 风景胜地;风景照片


       This is an extremely scenic part of America.



       n. 旅行者,观光客

       adj. 旅游的

       vt. 在旅行参观

       vi. 旅游;观光

       adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱





       第一篇 Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ...

       青岛三面环水,一面环山,独特的地理环境,造就了她得天独厚的风景人文景观。 Qingdao is surrounded by water, one side by mountains, the unique geographical environment created a unique landscape of her cultural landscape. 这次去青岛正好遇上下大雾,远处的楼群在雾中若隐若现。 Trip to Qingdao, right there under the fog, the distance-rise buildings looming in the fog. 据导游说,青岛的楼房建筑风格有26国风格之多,我没有细数,也分辨不出来。 According to tour guide said the architectural style of buildings in Qingdao, there are 26 countries many styles, I did not breakdown, but also to distinguish not come out. 青岛的城市是建在小山坡上的,车开在狭小而干净的山间街道上,一会上升,一会下沉,一会是九十度的转弯。 Qingdao city is built on the hills, he drove in a small mountain and clean streets, one will rise for a sink, one will be turning ninety degrees. 人们都好奇的等待,希望下一次的转弯出现的是另一番美景,而青岛每次都没有令游人失望。 People are curious to wait, hoping the next turn there was another round of beauty, but each time it failed, Qingdao, will give visitors a disointment. 跟随着导游的解说,我们一路左顾右盼,郁郁葱葱的青岛植物园、偌大的汇宾广场、旧时的德国监狱还有很多我记不清的美丽景点,不断的从我们眼前闪过,然后慢慢向后边退去。 Followed guide, explanations, and we were glance right and left, Qingdao lush botanical gardens, the huge Department of bin square, the old German prison, I can not remember ... ... There are many beautiful spots, constantly flashed before our eyes from, and then slowly retreated behind. 车窗外,一个红发、碧眼、高鼻梁的外国男士正在街边的人行道上小跑,他穿着运动的球衣球裤,显然是在锻炼,我不由自主的看了看表,才发现这是在午后! Outside the car, a red hair, blue eyes, high nose of foreign men are street sidewalk trot, He was wearing sports pants jersey ball is clearly in the exercise, I could not help of looked at my watch, it was found that this is a Afternoon! 青岛潮湿的空气、蒙蒙的薄雾和并不热烈的阳光会让你忘记了时间听说青岛很多沿海的别墅楼群都被外国人买了去,作为他们休闲度的场所。 Qingdao, moist air, misty haze, and do not let you forget the warm sun of time ... ... heard a lot of the coast of Qingdao, villa-rise buildings he been bought to foreigners, as their venue for leisure. 精明的外国人在周游了世界之后,最后的落脚点选择了青岛,足以说明青岛的魅力与吸引力! Shrewd foreigners treling the world after, the final choice of Qingdao, Qingdao, illustrates the charm and eal! 当你在青岛旅游观光的时候,也许在不远处的别墅里,正有一个金发、碧眼的美丽女郎,正在阳台上品着咖啡,朝着你深情的微笑正所谓你在桥上看风景,楼上看风景的人在看你。 When you trel and tourism in Qingdao, when, perhaps not far from the villa, is a blond, blue-eyed beautiful girl, is the balcony top grade of coffee, affectionate towards you smile ... ... the saying goes, you look at the bridge scenery, the people upstairs to see scenery see you.

       我总觉得生活在青岛的人们是幸福的,整个青岛就像一个大大的花园,是风格各异、参差不齐的楼群点缀了这个“花园”,而不是这些花园、植物园点缀了这座城市! I always felt that people living in Qingdao, is hy, the whole Qingdao, like a big garden styles, uneven-rise buildings interspersed with the "garden" rather than the gardens, botanical gardens dotted the city ! 青岛不但是个旅游的天堂,也是个消遣、饮食、购物的天堂。 Qingdao is not only a tourist's paradise, is also entertainment, dining, shopping paradise. 日本的足疗、韩国的料理、法国的家乐福等许多久负盛名的厂商和知名品牌纷纷在青岛安家落户。 Japan's Foot, South Korea's food, the French Carrefour and many other prestigious companies and brands he settled in Qingdao. 如果你是个美食家、购物狂或者是个追求完美主义的人,那么青岛你一定不可不去。 If you are a gourmet, shopping, mad, or is a perfectionist doctrine, then you must not do not Qingdao. 因为在青岛,你不用出国就可以享受不同国家和地区的异域风情,满足你对不同国家和地区、美食和购物、物质和品位等种种不同种类、不同层次的追求。 Because in Qingdao, you do not he to go abroad can enjoy the different countries and regions of exotic locations, to meet your different countries and regions, food and shopping, material, and taste all kinds of different types, different levels of pursuit.

       俗话说靠山吃山,靠水吃水。 As the saying goes reflects environment Everyday, relying on water draft. 黄海长长的海岸线不仅为青岛提供了充足的水气、湿度和日常休闲的好去处,也是人们财富的源泉。 Long coastline of the Yellow Sea, Qingdao has not only provided sufficient moisture, humidity and daily a good place for leisure, but also people's source of wealth. 青岛沿海岸边停靠着的大大小小、满目苍痍的渔船仿佛向你诉说着大海汹涌与强大,以及他的富有与神奇。 Qingdao, the coastal shore dock with the big and small, everywhere Cang bruise fishing if you tell the sea to the turbulent and powerful, and his rich and wonderful. 你可以想象这小小一叶片舟与大海搏斗时的惊心动魄,也可以想象它鱼儿满仓凯旋归来时的喜悦之情。 You can imagine, this little one struggle with the sea when the boat lees the soul-stirring, it is also conceivable that the fish warehouse full of triumphant joy when they return. 站在青岛的栈桥上,吹着徐徐的海风,你可以嗅到海里鱼虾的味道,它们深深钻入你的鼻孔,然后侵入你的心脾。 Standing on the pier in Qingdao, sea breeze blowing Xuxu De, you can smell the flor of sea fish, they are deeply penetrating your nostril, and then break into your Heart and. 幻想华灯初上的时候,美丽的大海上将会是怎样的一种奇景? Across from the time when fantasy, the beautiful sea will be what kind of a spectacle? 我没有见过,不过现有的景象已经让我深深沉醉。 I he not seen, but the current scene has given me deeply immersed. 我醉了,醉在青岛迷人的景色里 I am drunk, drunk in Qingdao, where the charming scenery ... ...

       第二篇 Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet you ! I'm your tour guide today, Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.

       Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province, It has a veyt long history and many beautiful views.For example, Chibi Park and E'huang Bridge are the most beautiful and relaxing among them. And the air is very clean and fresh. Hong'an is very historical and educational. Huangmei is famous for the Huangmei Opera -----one of the greatest local operas in China.

       Huanggang is also a good place for shopping and hing delicious food . So far, a lot of new shopping malls and plazas he been built. You can buy what you like there ,If you want to try traditional Huanggang fodd,you can go to Night Snack Street, The food there is both dilicious and cheap.

       There are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you to enjoy yourselves! Let's go for them!

       第三篇There are many ways of treling such as by plane, by train, by ship, by bus.And people can choose any of ways of treling if they like.To me, the best way of treling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.

       My preference depends on the purpose of the trel. On a summer vacation I trel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I trel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I trel on a train or on a bus.

       When faster and more convenient ways for trel are becoming ailable, I still for using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People trel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of treling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.



        上海各个旅游景点英文介绍详解 作为一名导游,经常会招待来自四面八方的游客们。以下是我帮大家整理的`上海著名旅游景点

       好了,关于“景区中英文介绍 翻译”的讨论到此结束。希望大家能够更深入地了解“景区中英文介绍 翻译”,并从我的解答中获得一些启示。