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2.全球旅游景点英文介绍 世界著名景点英语介绍

3.旅游景点北京鸟巢介绍英文 北京鸟巢介绍英语

4.介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译



       1、北海公园 Beihai Park


       2、故宫博物院 the Palace Museum


       3、革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History


       4、天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square


       5、纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall


       6、人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People


       7、黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls

       黄果树瀑布,即黄果树大瀑布。古称白水河瀑布,亦名“黄葛墅”瀑布或“黄桷树”瀑布,因本地广泛分布着“黄葛榕”而得名。 ?位于中国贵州省安顺市镇宁布依族苗族自治县,属珠江水系西江干流南盘江支流北盘江支流打帮河的支流可布河下游白水河段水系,为黄果树瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,是世界著名大瀑布之一。以水势浩大著称。瀑布高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。黄果树瀑布属喀斯特地貌中的侵蚀裂典型瀑布。




全球旅游景点英文介绍 世界著名景点英语介绍



       A Visit to the National Palace Museum.

       Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs.

       There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings.

       My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones' exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things.







       北京的旅游景点较多,可以尽情游玩,将去几个地方,紫禁城、王府井大街、颐和园、长城、Ming Tombs、鸟潮、水立方、其他好的清华大学、北京大学、天坛、北海公园、颐和园、雍和宫、大观园等。恭王府,如果你喜欢古玩的话,那潘家园古玩市场是要去看看的,那里有无数名人的房子,各种博物馆,还有老北京的胡同也挺有特色的,而且还有很多地方因为时间有限没有列出来,晚上也有很多好玩的地方,如三里屯酒吧街、后海酒吧街,还有著名的美食街——鬼街,让您充满人间美味


       A Trip To Beijing

        On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing.We stayed at Huabei Hotel.On the first day,we went to the Great Wall.The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and hey.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

        We also went to the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces.It has a very long history.I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum.What nice palaces these are!I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited.If you want to know more about the Palace Museum,you can go to Beijing and he a look.

        The following days,we went to the Summer Palace,Tian Tan,North Lake and Xiang Hill.I now know more about the history of China.I also like modern Beijing.The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

        Later,I went back with my parents by train.I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.

        I like this trip!

        You can make summer into winter .



       The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It is the imperial palace of the Qing and Ming Dynasties. It is the best preserved and largest imperial palace in the world.


       We got to the square first. It's huge! There are five exquisite white marble arch bridges in the square.


       Standing on the square, looking up, a magnificent palace stands in front of us. This is Taihe hall. The hall of Supreme Harmony has a glittering throne and majestic pillars, which makes people feel shocked.


       Then we passed the Qianqing palace, which was the emperor's bedroom, and went into the Royal Garden, where there was a pilion.


       There are rockeries and green trees beside the pilion. It's very beautiful


       The Palace Museum not only embodies the wisdom and talents of the ancient people, but also shows us the history of the ancient imperial dynasty.


旅游景点北京鸟巢介绍英文 北京鸟巢介绍英语


       世界上有着许许多多的著名旅游景点,这些景点用英语该如何说呢,下面是我整理的一些世界著名旅游景点名称, 希望对大家有帮助。

       世界著名旅游景点名称:Asia 亚洲

       Great Wall, China


        Forbidden City, Beijing, China


        The Himalayas


        Mount Fuji, Japan


        Taj Mahal, India


        Angkor Wat, Cambodia


        Bali, Indonesia


        Borobudur, Indonesia


        Sentosa, Singapore


        Crocodile Farm, Thailand


        Pattaya Beach, Thailand


        Babylon, Iraq


        Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Africa 非洲

       Suez Canal, Egypt


        Aswan High Dam, Egypt


        Nairobi National Park, Kenya


        Cape of Good Hope, South Africa


        Sahara Desert


        Pyramids, Egypt


        The Nile, Egypt




        Great Barrier Reef


        Sydney Opera House, Australia


        Ayers Rock


        Mount Cook


        Easter Island


        世界著名旅游景点名称:Europe 欧洲

       Notre Dame de Paris, France


        Effiel Tower, France


        Arch of Triumph, France


        Elysee Palace, France


        Louvre, France


        Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany


        Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


        Colosseum in Rome, Italy


        Venice, Italy


        Parthenon, Greece


        Red Square in Moscow, Russia


        Big Ben in London, England


        Buckingham Palace, England


        Hyde Park, England


        London Tower Bridge, England


        Westminster Abbey, England


        Monte Carlo, Monaco


        The Mediterranean


        世界著名旅游景点名称:The Americas 美洲

       Niagara Falls, New York State, USA




        Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


        Panama Canal


        Yellowstone National Park, USA


        Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA


        Times Square, New York City, USA


        The White House, Washington DC., USA


        World Trade Center, New York City, USA


        Central Park, New York City, USA


        Yosemite National Park, USA


        Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


        Hollywood, California, USA


        Disneyland, California, USA


        Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


        Miami, Florida, USA


        Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA


        Acapulco, Mexico


        Cuzco, Mexico



        1. 国内旅游景点英语导游词

       2. 旅游英语专业介绍

       3. 旅游景点英文介绍

       4. 旅游英语:石林旅游景点英语介绍

       5. 与“旅行”相关的英语词汇的用法

       6. 景点用英语怎么说


       1,Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山


       2,Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵

       泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”。位于印度北方邦的阿格拉(Agra)城内,亚穆纳河右侧。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值。

       3,Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟

       吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,位于柬埔寨,被称作柬埔寨国宝,是世界上最大的庙宇,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑。吴哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思为“毗湿奴的神殿”,中国佛学古籍称之为“桑香佛舍”。

       4,Bali, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮前屠宓


       5,Borobudur, Indonesia_《饶嵛餮遣_薷⊥

       婆罗浮屠位于东南亚的印度尼西亚,大约于公元750年至850年间,由当时统治爪哇岛的夏连特拉王朝统治者兴建。“婆罗浮屠”这个名字的意思很可能来自梵语"Vihara Buddha Ur",意思就是“山顶的佛寺”。



       China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.


       It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.


       After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


       Two generations of wise people he constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.

       聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

       It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's _uins in offical _ays.You will not only could witness Great Wall's arance that meandered in the hills and high moutains.

       but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

       它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。

介绍景点的英语作文 介绍景点的英语作文带翻译



       —— Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium)



       The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design Research Group to win the competition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwred steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004.

       In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005.

       In depth

       The stadium's earance is one of synergy, with no distinction made between the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation - almost like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008.

       The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without communicating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens.

       Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that access the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004.


       Beijing National Stadium also known as the National Stadium, or colloquially as the Bird's Nest, is a stadium in Beijing, China. The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. Located in the Olympic Green, the $423 million stadium is the world's largest steel structure. The design was awarded to a submission from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog de Meuron in April 2003, after a bidding process that included 13 final submissions.


       国家体育场鸟巢(National Stadium),位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南部,为2008年北京奥运会的主体育场。工程总占地面积21公顷,场内观众坐席约为91000个。












       Jinshanling Great Wall

       Jinshanling Great Wall is located in the northeast of Beijing, and is one of the most famous sections of the Great Wall of China. It is characterized by its steep and precipitous terrain, as well as its well-preserved watchtowers and fortifications.

       Jinshanling Great Wall is renowned for its breathtaking scenery and challenging hiking trails. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, as well as explore the many ancient watchtowers and fortifications that dot the wall.

       In recent years, Jinshanling Great Wall has become a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists. Visitors can hike along the wall, camp overnight in the scenic area, or enjoy a leisurely stroll through the nearby forest trails.

       In summary, Jinshanling Great Wall is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Beijing. Its stunning scenery and rich historical and cultural heritage make it a true treasure of China.





